Visit the 'Meat Store' tab for quality Meat direct from farm to foodie; view latest stock, choose a delivery method Ship (free delivery to your door, for residents of Montacute, Yeovil and surrounding villages) or Pick Up from Windmill Agri, and a payment option Cash on Delivery, Credit Card or PayPal.
All Meat Store Orders - FREE 500g pack of Minced Pork for order spend £35 (automatically added during packing), PLUS discount for online order spend: 3% off £50; 5% off £75; 10% off £100; 13% off £125; 15% off £150.
Delivery will be arranged for a mutually convenient time, usually 6-7pm, when someone is available to receive your order (if out on the evening order placed, enter Delivery Instructions of an evening you are in).
To arrange pick up, phone or text 07880 518416 (Meat Store open by appointment) - Windmill Agri, Windmill Farm, Montacute, Somerset, TA15 6UT.
You could create an account if you wish your details to be saved, and then we can let you know when fresh meat is available (there is a small window of 2 days to buy fresh before we blast freeze to preserve quality).
Contact us with the below form if more information is required about our business.